We do the cleaning

You do the relaxing

Slade’s Pool Services is a mobile swimming pool cleaning and maintenance service operating in Taranaki

Slade, a swimming pool technician, can come to your pool to: test and balance the water, provide a comprehensive valet that includes cleaning the pool and maintenance of the pool equipment.

While you get to relax and enjoy quality time with family and friends.

No more worries about if the water is safe to swim in or if it is ready for guests.


Regular Service

We offer regular, comprehensive swimming pool valet services, weekly or fortnightly in the summer, and an option to go monthly in the winter.


Water Testing

Gone is the need to jar up some water and take into town, we will come out and do the test for you and provide the chemicals that you need.


Whether it is a problem with the pump, filter or chlorination systems, we check the issue and help find a solution.



If the swimming pool has been left, turned green and full of leaves, we can come in and make it sparkling new.

Leak Detection

We provide an under water leak detection service, for vinyl linings, cracks in concrete and leaking fixtures.

Naked Freshwater Pool System

A revolutionary freshwater sanitising and filtration system

We provide and service many brands including: